
MacOSX Server メールサービスの管理 10.4
にしたがって、サーバ管理→メール→フィルタ で
スコアを4(デフォルトは5)に、迷惑メールを配信する、件名にタグ***JUNK MAIL ***を添付する。
ウイルスメールは削除することにして、通知をmailmaster に送信することにする。
junkmail と notjunkmail である 。ホームは作成せずに、メールのみ有効とする。メールクオータは適当に1000MBにする。
Apple のマニュアルにはこれ以上なんも書いてない。毎日学習することになっているが、どうもうまくいかないようだ。さらに読み取ったjunkmail, notjunkmail を手動で削除せよとか書いてある。やってられない。そこで Spamtrainer を導入する。
まず、Spamtrainer のマニュアルにしたがって、root 権限で、spamtrainer -f を実行。
root# /usr/sbin/spamtrainer -f
If necessary, this will create the missing symbolic link in OS X 10.4.x.
It will also fix other configuration issues in the default installation,
which prevent spamassassin from properly working with additional domains.
All files modified by this routine will be first backed up in their
respective directories
Read the ‘Caveats’ chapter in the included documentation for more information.
Would you like to proceed? (yes/no)
Stopping amavisd…
If you use 10.4.7 or 10.4.8, this may produce:
‘Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0′.
It is safe to ignore it.
The symbolic link from
/var/amavisd/.spamassassin to /var/clamav/.spamassassin
has been created
The existing directory /var/amavisd/.spamassassin has been
backed up to /var/amavis/.spamassassin_04212007-082614
The existing file /etc/amavisd.conf has been
backed up to /etc/amavisd.conf_back_04212007-082614
@local_domains_maps = ( 1 ); was added to amavisd.conf
This ensures that additional domains will get processed
by the content filter as well.
The existing file /etc/ has been
backed up to /private/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf_back_04212007-082615 was fixed
This ensures the settings are correct for your system.
Starting amavisd…
If you use 10.4.7 or 10.4.8, this may produce:
‘Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0′.
It is safe to ignore it.
spamtrainer -i を実行
root# /usr/sbin/spamtrainer -i
Checking if there is a startup item for ‘learn_junk_mail’ or ‘spamtrainer’
There IS NO plist for learn_junk_mail
crontab: no crontab for root
There IS NO cron job for learn_junk_mail
There IS NO plist for spamtrainer
crontab: no crontab for root
There IS NO cron job for spamtrainer
if you want to use ‘spamtrainer’ it is recommended that this be added
Would you like me to enable it for you (yes/no)
What time would you like the job to run (24-hour format)?
Please enter the hour (1)
Please enter the minutes (0)
Would you like SPAM/HAM messages to be deleted after the learn process? (n)
Would you like to log bayes stats into /var/log/spamtrainer.log? (n)
Enter name of mail store with SPAM/HAM mailboxes? Enter for default (default)
Enter name of mailbox with SPAM? Enter for default (junkmail)
Enter name of mailbox with HAM? Enter for default (notjunkmail)
The following cron job for ‘spamtrainer’ has been prepared
0 1 * * * /usr/sbin/spamtrainer -p default -j junkmail -n notjunkmail -d -l
Would you like to add it? (yes/no)
crontab: no crontab for root
The following cron job for ‘spamtrainer’ has been enabled’
0 1 * * * /usr/sbin/spamtrainer -p default -j junkmail -n notjunkmail -d -l
これで毎朝午前1時に学習を実行し、読み込んだjunkmail  notjunkmail を削除するはず。
あとはせっせとspammailは junk@ へ ***JUNK MAIL***と誤ってタグのついたスパムではないメールは notjunkmail@へ 転送すればいい。2000通くらい読み込むといいらしい。
